Lanzarote - currency

The currency in Lanzarote is the Euro.

It’s never been easier to exchange your pounds for Euros – order your travel money online and get it delivered straight to you, whether you’ll be at home or work.

Prefer to sort your spends when you get to Lanzarote? Or think you might need to refill your wallet after a spot of souvenir hunting? You’ll find plenty of foreign exchange bureaus dotted across the island, though you might want to shop around to make sure you’re getting a good rate.

There are lots of ATMs too. But it’s a good idea to ring your bank before you travel to check what the fees are for debit card transactions, or withdrawing your money abroad. And remember to pay in the local currency to get the best deal.

Did you know you can also use a travel money card just like a debit card? Simply top it up and away you go!

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Pick your cash up from your local branch or get home delivery